Patent Monitoring: 5 Enticing Benefits of Automation

The importance of active patent monitoring cannot be stressed enough. Receiving critical information as early as possible affords patent applicants ample time to develop and implement patent prosecution strategies. Monitoring helps to keep an eye on competition, and can inform business decisions as competitor strategies unfold.
Despite its importance, patent application monitoring has always been an ongoing struggle due to the volume of patent applications needing to be monitored at any given time. Luckily, there are many benefits to choosing LexisNexis PAIR Watch for automated patent monitoring.
1. Saving time and money tracking client portfolios
Because most patent applicants have a fair amount of research conducted before entering patent prosecution, an applicant could Whether you are keeping tabs on a number of clients or a single client with several patent applications in the pipeline, staying on top of USPTO updates is just as important as it is time consuming . . . or so we used to think. Put your time to better use and save your clients money by letting LexisNexis® PAIR Watch do the patent monitoring for you. This cost-effective solution will help you monitor patent dockets and better manage your time.
2. Maintaining a competitive edge over competitors
Your clients’ patent applications are not the only thing worth monitoring at the USPTO. Patent practitioners can customize exactly which patent applications they wish to monitor. Curious how your rival law firm is faring in the patent process? Need to track a patent application filed by your client’s biggest competitor? Help is already here for you.
Let LexisNexis PAIR Watch put a set of eyes on every important competitor’s applications, then let your mind rest easy knowing you will be one of the first to know when a change to the docket has been made.
3. Receiving the updates you want on your own time
IP professionals who have utilized electronic patent monitoring methods, through a MyUSPTO account or otherwise, know that receiving a separate email for every patent update can quickly bog down an inbox. We reluctantly put up with incessant notifications because they were our only option other than performing manual searches as frequently as possible. Now, patent professionals can receive updates any way they like.
PAIR Watch sends the email updates you prefer directly to your inbox. Whether you want to know about updates to an application’s image file wrapper, bibliographic data, continuity data, or transaction history, you can choose exactly which updates you will receive. How often you receive updates can be tailored to your needs as well. Monthly, weekly, daily, or even twice daily updates – the choice is completely yours.

4. Receiving alerts directly to your inbox
Why settle for just an update when you can have access to all of the information you need in a single click? Emailed alerts include information about, and direct links to the documents that were added to the application file wrappers you have chosen to monitor.
You can easily download selected documents or entire file wrappers as PDFs, and share application updates with colleagues – even if they do not typically have access to PAIR Watch patent monitoring.

5. Setting up PAIR Watch and sitting back
Automate the work so you can use your time more effectively. Set-up is simple. All you have to do is:
- Type in the application numbers for the USPTO patent applications you want to track, as well as how frequently you would like to be updated;
- Hold tight while PAIR Watch keeps track of your company’s patent applications, your clients’ patent applications, and/or your competitors’ patent applications; and
- E-mail updates will keep you apprised of important changes, such as office actions or filed corrections, so that you always have the most current information.
Take the stress out of patent monitoring by taking advantage of the automation, customization, and convenience made possible by PAIR Watch.
See how PAIR Watch delivers USPTO Patent Center data to your inbox, providing dependable patent application monitoring.

Need help monitoring patent application status?
PAIR Watch monitors the USPTO Patent Center website and sends alerts regarding updates to the Image File Wrapper, Continuity Data or Transaction History.