Season 2
Cipher Vision Podcast Season 2, this season explored the theme of communicating the impact of IP Innovation.
Cipher Vision Podcast Season 2

Communicating the Impact of Innovation
Our hosts Francesca and Nigel introduce a medley of the best snippets from Series 2 in our holiday special. Tune in to enjoy the highlights.

Understanding Patent Value
Jay Yonamine shared with us his perspective on patent value, his thoughts on valuation methods & what the future holds using ML and AI in IP.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in IP
Mike Binns and Braxton Davis shared with us their experience of pioneering DEI in the workplace and current initiatives.

Investing in IP
Julian Moore shared with us his experience and understanding of investing in the IP analytics field, current trends and opportunities.

Standard Essential Patents
Lew Zaretzski shared with us his thoughts and experiences with SEPs, discussing what the current environment looks like.

Managing PAE Patent Risk
Ken Seddon, CEO of LOT Network, shares with us the risks that PAE companies pose to innovation, as well as solutions to this growing problem.

Bursting the IP Bubble
IP journalist Joff Wild shares how IP and patents are becoming more mainstream and influencing policy strategies.

Market intelligence, Technology and Trust
Peter Haigh, Chair of Mintel, describes patents as a “treasure trove”, revealing that they combine with market data to provide insight for consumer product manufacturers.

Machine Learning for Patents
Tony Trippe explains how patents are an amazing source of information and why machine learning will help businesses make decisions far more quickly.

Semiconductors and IP Intelligence
Chief Technology Officer at TechInsights explores using patents as a resource to determine macro trends within the Semiconductor industry.

Building an IP Capability
Chief IP Counsel at Ocado speaks of her journey in building a strong IP capability where clear communication sits at its core.